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Essay “The Sound of the Heart”

October , 2019
Comprehensive medical check up

I went to get my comprehensive medical check up done.
I chose the Cancer Institute Hospital in Ariake, where my mother used to go when she was alive. As I do not have time to go so often, I wanted to get myself checked up thoroughly, all in one day. Staying overnight for a check up is not my style. So I asked for a programme to cover everything in a single day (there is such a course). To save time, they would do the gastroscope and colonoscopy simultaneously. They had done this for me last year too, and it went very smooth.

As I cannot stand the pain, they anesthetized me lightly, so it was very comfortable. I remember the doctor’s conversation as I was conscious enough to hear them slightly, and also had my sense left but it did not hurt at all.
Last year, they found a small polyp and they had surgically removed them right away on the spot. This year, there was no polyp and I was relieved.
When my stomach and intestines become all empty, it refreshes my mind up and I say to myself that I should eat more slowly and chew well from tomorrow.
Last year, the doctor told me not to swallow food up without chewing but this year, they did not say anything. That maybe because I have become a little more conscious about chewing food more.

As the hospital is a Cancer Institute, it is excellent that they check me up thoroughly in search for any cancer. It is said that 1 in 3 or 1 in 2 people tend to get cancer there days, so I try not to be surprised or scared and know the importance of finding out in an early stage.
I would like to live longer, only to play the violin for a longer time.
So this time, I was safe.

As for other examinations, there were the eyesight test and the acuity tests. With eyesight tests, I have a very bad habit of trying to aim for good results by guessing the answers. I feel that it is human nature to wish for good results and somehow, I manage to guess the correct answers for the test. I actually do not know if I have succeeded or not, but I always get told that “You have a good eyesight”, and I feel better when I get praised like that.
In fact, I don’t think I have a good eyesight as when I get tired, I cannot read the music sheet without putting on my glasses, and I need glasses to read any books now. By glasses, I mean,
reading glasses.
So next time when I am getting my eyesight checked, I must only answer the places where I can actually see with my own eyes. I know that is the right thing to do.

I will do so, next time.

That was what I was thinking, walking on my way home in the early autumn evening.